Lakeland's Preschool & Children's Ministry exists...
To partner with parents to see children and families grow in wisdom, faith, and stature. Our desire is to help build a foundational faith in children and to equip them to serve the kingdom of God.
What We Do
Sunday School
We have Sunday School classes for ages birth through 5th grade at 9:00 AM every Sunday. We are currently studying the Bible chronologically and applying it to Children’s everyday lives.
Preschool Worship
Preschool Worship is for children birth through 1st Grade and meets at 10:30 AM. Preschool Worship uses various large group and small group activities to teach our preschoolers how to worship through Bible study, song, and play.
Equipped is our Wednesday night activity for PreK through 5th grade. The objective is to see boys and girls grow in their faith through spiritual disciplines and ministry involvement, and to support families in the discipleship of their children. There are five primary components of our Equipped program: partnership with parents, disciple group, ministry training, ministry involvement, and missions.
Family Dedication
The Dedication Ceremony is a commitment by the parent/parents to train and teach their child the love of God, the Word of God, the character of God, and a life of obedience to God. This special event is an opportunity for parents to make a public declaration that their child is a gift from God and they will raise their child unto the Lord with His guidance in a Christ-centered home.
@HOME Parent Forum
Our parent forums meet once each semester during the Sunday School Hour. These forums are for parents of children Birth-18 years old. The purpose of these forums is to cover what family discipleship looks like in a variety of situations that arise in everyday home life.
Summer Opportunities
Mini Camp
This one night camp is for those who have completed 1st or 2nd grade. This is all the best of camp packed into 24hrs to give kids their first taste of summer camp away from home.
Preteen Camp
This 5 day, 4 night camp is for children who have completed 3rd-5th grade. Each summer we travel to Camp Copass where we worship, eat, and have Bible study together. At camp our kids also have the freedom to pick the treks that they want to do!
VBS typically takes place one week in June, Monday-Friday. Our 2025 theme will be Lifeway’s Magnified! Through worship, Bible Study, Crafts, and Recreation, VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!
This Mission Trip is for students who have been active participants in our Equipped program and proven themselves to be responsible and mission minded. It is by invite only.