Becoming Like Christ (Part 1)
Growing in Christlikeness: Character and Conduct
Being transformed into Christ’s likeness is a core calling for every Christian. This transformation happens in two key ways – through our inner character and our outward conduct.
How Does Christ-like Character Develop?
The fruit of the Spirit described in Galatians 5:22-23 provides a character sketch of Jesus – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. When the Holy Spirit dwells within believers, He produces these same qualities to make us more like Christ.
Why Is It Called “Fruit” and Not “Fruits”?
Importantly, Paul uses the singular “fruit” rather than plural “fruits.” This indicates these qualities come as one unified package – we can’t pick and choose which Christ-like traits we want to develop. All believers receive the same “character jersey” with all these attributes.
How Do We Cooperate with the Spirit’s Work?
Two key ways to promote the Spirit’s character-forming work:
- Walk by the Spirit through daily surrender and following His leading
- Keep the sinful nature “crucified” by not returning to old ways
What Does Christ-like Conduct Look Like?
First John 2:3-6 calls believers to “walk as Jesus walked” – meaning to live in complete obedience to God’s will and commands. While we won’t achieve Jesus’ perfect obedience in this life, He remains our standard and example.
How Do We Pursue Christ-like Conduct?
Two essential aspects:
- Pursue it seriously – it’s not optional but a mandate
- Pursue it continually – not sporadically but as an ongoing lifestyle
Life Application
This week, examine your life in light of Christ’s character and conduct:
- Which fruit of the Spirit needs more development in your life?
- What specific areas of disobedience need to be “crucified”?
- How can you more intentionally walk in the Spirit each day?
Questions to reflect on:
- Am I actively cooperating with or hindering the Spirit’s work in my character?
- Does my conduct consistently reflect Jesus’ example of obedience?
- What specific changes do I need to make to walk more fully as Jesus walked?
The goal is not perfection but progress – growing steadily more like Christ in both our inner character and outward conduct through the Spirit’s transforming work.